Tuesday, April 24, 2012

I Like PD

Or Professional Development if you prefer the long version.  It makes me feel like I am back in college again.  I think that is what I like about it.  I’ve been at enough PD events since getting on with Kawartha Child Care that I don’t feel awkward being the only guy there, or about just spitting out the thoughts or answers that I have.

I was at our Book Study meeting last night with just one other person along with the two people leading it so it was a nice sort of quiet meeting and lots of ideas and thoughts were shared, great times!

It does take some time away from the evening or other things in my life, like karate with Monday night PD events, but it really does help to energize me in my day to day work at the daycare.  It’s always great to hear ideas of others, peers and otherwise and to have those same folk go ‘yeah that’s great’ about an idea that I share.

Being with a company that places such a high regard for continuous learning is fantastic.  It’s something that could benefit so many other jobs, but it seems that few people actually do this kind of thing.

1 comment:

  1. There is nothing like working for a great company, and you work for the best.
